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studio 804

yamani hernandez

this seems to be a really exciting design build program in kansas. i read about this while reading john hill's article in ten by ten about dan rockhill. not that i would want to be in lawrence kansas but i really wish i had researched this design build thing a little more thoroughly a few years ago. there seem to be a lot of exciting design build programs at schools around the country. too bad UW seems to have really started to marginalize this part of their curriculum. it seems steve badanes who's amazing but also close to retirement (i'd add a link to his bio on the UW architecture website but that website is so atrocious and dated that i refuse to direct people to it) is like the lone soldier pioneering this cause. which really sucks. a lot of students come here specifically for that experience but it seems to whiddled away and there's not much of an effort to rebuild. but that's just my little opinion...obviously they are doing a lot with this Yakima design build thing which which is a collaboration with folks in landscape and the revered pyatok.